Publication archives

If you live in Minnesota, shaping the platform of the political parties to pay more attention to good food access and healthy, vibrant farms is something you have the opportunity to do on Tuesday, February 6 at 7pm with your fellow Minnesotans at the caucuses.
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Dr. Steve Suppan
In the United States, a war on science has allowed product developers to determine the safety of their new products in nanotechnology and genetic engineering. Recently, the European Union has appeared to follow suit. Dr. Steve Suppan explores this issue and its possible ramifications.
European Commission: Following the Trump Administration's Retreat from Science-Based Regulation?
It's been five months since talks began on the re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA.
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Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The following is a video interview on Rising Up with Sonali, done by IATP's Karen Hansen-Kuhn, on where NAFTA negotiations stand.
karen and sonali
More and more, farm and hunger advocates are acting in coalition to protect the supply of healthy food that is accessible by all people and beneficial to community development.
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Juliette Majot
The difficult business of assessing damage in the midst of a heavy storm is worth the effort if findings might offer some protection against further harm, provide insight about what to expect next, and help bind a community together to rebuild.
Trump report card
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
This piece is part of an assessment of damage wrought in the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency and the 115th Congress, including thoughts about what we might expect next and what we can and must do about it. In six articles, we offer a critical assessment of the impact of gale-force political winds on agriculture and trade, farmers and rural communities.