Publication archives

Karen Hansen-Kuhn
This fact sheet was produced by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC).
Josh talks with Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau from Action Aid USA about the two new videos they put out on supply management and factory farming in Iowa. You can see the videos here:
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Sharon Anglin Treat
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Sharon Anglin Treat
NAFTA renegotiations are rumored to be coming to a close. But while the texts remain secret, the junk food industry has pushed for provisions that could derail efforts in the U.S., Canada and Mexico to tackle the obesity crisis.
Cereal boxes with cartoon characters
Dr. Steve Suppan
In January, the Food Safety Inspection Service proposed a rule to allow plant management to determine production line speed and configuration in swine slaughterhouses. IATP wrote a letter advising FSIS not to finalize the rule, particularly if enforcement failures and reporting shortcomings continued.
Pig on a farm
Dr. Steve Suppan
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)appreciates this opportunity to comment on the proposed rule. Some of the provisions in the proposed rule should not be controversial.
This week, the 9th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Erin McKee VanSlooten
Katie Costello
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Farm to Early Care