Publication archives

Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The announced and since-canceled Chinese tariffs on sorghum threw the grain's market into chaos. But the question of sorghum dumping into export markets remains, and what it means for farmers in the U.S. and abroad.
Field of Sorghum in Kansas
Josh talks with Steve Suppan about meat inspection in the United States and proposed rule change that would allow companies to do self-inspection, potentially leading to higher line speeds and greater safety concerns in an industry that already has a history of unsafe conditions.  
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Today, May 17th, is the deadline set by House Speaker, Paul Ryan, to have a NAFTA agreement on paper for Congress to take it up in 2018. Earlier this week, Josh talked with Sharon Treat and Karen Hansen-Kuhn about what the endgame might be for NAFTA and if anyone actually knows what is happening in this incredibly secretive process. 
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Erin McKee VanSlooten
Farm to School and Early Care funding is under attack, despite Minnesota having a budget surplus. Find out how you can help this crucial program for kids, farmers and rural communities.
Farm to School Corn
Dr. Steve Suppan
Industry demands that NAFTA 2.0 'does no harm' to U.S. exports. But go a step further, intending to force other governments to accept genetically engineered agricultural exports that have not been risk assessed in the importing nation.
Corn rows
Ben Lilliston
President Trump's budget rescission measure proposes $15.4 billion in total cuts across a variety of agencies. The proposed cuts are small beans in addressing the deficit, but they will have big impact for already under-funded farm and rural programs.
Southern Minnesota Farm
Sharon Anglin Treat
The Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission, a legislator-run, bipartisan governmental body, recently sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer in strong support of his focus on limiting the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system, and calling for ISDS to be removed in its entirety from NAFTA.
Maine State House
Ben Lilliston
IATP was one of 34 organizations addressing a letter to the House of Representatives on Wednesday. The Coalition for Family Farms and the Environment is urging Congress to vote no on H.R. 2, the Farm Bill that is partisan and harms family farms for the benefit of corporate interests.
Family Farm in Southwest Iowa