Publication archives

Note: This podcast is being released a couple of weeks after it was recorded. 
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Latin American countries have enshrined several progressive rights in their constitutions, however, the push for natural resource extraction has put those rights in conflict with the economic development pushes of their governments.
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Ben Lilliston
An unspoken assumption in the Farm Bill is that in most years, farmers will lose money from the market. Congress should check its assumptions and not simply accept financial hardship for farmers as a given.
Via The Hill
Tara Ritter
This blog overviews the 2018 Itasca County Rural Energy Dialogue in Grand Rapids, MN.
Itasca Dialogue 5-19
Dr. Steve Suppan
As of June 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration stated that they could not determine the site-specific origins of the contamination by the E. coli (STEC) 0157 of romaine lettuce that began in late 2017.
Romaine Lettuce
Josh talks with Katie Costello about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The nutrition title of the Farm Bill makes up nearly 80% of its total cost, helping to feed over 46 million people.
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Ben Lilliston
Reforms to the Farm Bill and trade policy could help support farmers stuck in the current low-price, export-dependent system, while responding to growing consumer demand for more sustainable food.
Grazing cow in Massachusetts- missing the market
Ben Lilliston
The following op-ed was first published in The Oklahoman on May 16, 2018.
Drought Stressed Corn