Publication archives

Shefali Sharma
The world's 35 largest meat and dairy corporations are egregiously under reporting their greenhouse gas emissions, and could become the planet's largest climate polluters within the next few decades. Our latest report with GRAIN shows that these agribusiness giants are claiming to reduce emissions, but instead are pursuing growth strategies that will drive unsustainable levels of consumption and emissions.
Emissions Impossible
Sharon Anglin Treat
IATP recently submitted comments on the U.S Department of Agriculture’s proposed GMO disclosure rule.
GMO Labeling
Sharon Anglin Treat
Dr. Steve Suppan
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) appreciates this opportunity to submit comments on the proposed rule, “National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard.” For more than 30 years, IATP has provided technical expertise and research in support of sustainable and economically viable family and small-scale farms, rural
The victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his Morena party in Sunday’s Mexican elections has stunned international observers.
IATP hosted its annual board meeting from June 24-26. Three members of the IATP Board of Directors, Becky Glass, Sivan Kartha and Board Chair Pamela Saunders, joined Josh Wise to discuss how they got involved with IATP, the challenges facing the institute today and what gives them hope in today's world. 
Uprooted logo
The House is expected to vote on two immigration bills this week, both are not good, but one will curtail the rights of farmworkers, while further depressing the farm economy.
Farm Bill free fall
Tara Ritter
This blog overviews the 2018 Winona County Student Dialogue that took place before the full community event.
Rural Climate Dialogues Winona High School
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
In the wake of the G7 summit, the news was focused on President Trump’s astonishing demands to end all tariffs everywhere and to readmit Russia, as well as his insults of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Just days ago, most of the other countries’ leaders were focused on the imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs and the waves of retaliatory tariffs that were underway. Now, suddenly, that focus has vanished, with attention shifting to the next outlandish statement. 
Dairy Cow USDA