Publication archives

Josh talks with Ben Lilliston about a recent conference on anti-trust work in the agriculture sector.  
Uprooted logo
For an agriculture decision in 2020 to be meaningful, substantive and truly allow for agriculture to contribute to the 1.5°C pathway and become climate resilient, the UNFCCC, governments and IGOs must begin today to make a distinction between agribusiness and agriculture (including the food growers that represent 88 percent of global farmlands).
COP 24
Dr. Steve Suppan
According to The Guardian, officials at the Group of 20 Leaders’ Summit in Buenos Aires negotiated until 6:30 a.m.
WTO Public Forum
Shefali Sharma
IATP spent the past week at COP 24 in Katowice, Poland. We wanted to connect with civil society groups working on climate, agriculture and land use, particularly on securing land, human and food rights of communities around the world. We hoped to learn how governments plan on addressing agriculture in climate negotiations.
Reasons for Hope
The following was published by Sierra on December 14, 2017, under the title Talking About Climate Change in Trump Country.
Photo courtesy Sierra Magazine
Sharon Anglin Treat
Re: US-Canada RCC Request for Information Dear Administrator Rao:
Ben Lilliston
In August 2016, the Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency quietly announced a major change regarding its loan program for medium-sized Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). The agency would no longer require an environmental review under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) prior to the approval of such loans.
Hog confinement