Publication archives

Sharon Anglin Treat
In the absence of federal action, state governments are struggling to address widespread Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) contamination of water, soils and food.
water contaminated with PFAS
Sharon Anglin Treat
Comments on the Maine PFAS Task Force Draft Final Report were submitted on December 6, 2019.  To read the comments in full, please download the PDF. 
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Twenty years ago, more than 50,000 activists took to the streets in Seattle at the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations to protest global trade talks intended to rewrite the rules of the global economy.
IATP in Seattle 1999
Ben Lilliston
Originally published in The Storm Lake Times and The Progressive Populist. 
mexican farmer in field
Shefali Sharma
In August, out-of-control fires in the Amazon brought home the connections between the destruction of the rain forest, factory farms producing meat for international markets and global warming. Media attention may have moved on to newer wi
amazon rain forest destruction
Dr. Steve Suppan
Download the PDF of the full letter. 
Dr. Steve Suppan
On Thanksgiving Day, here’s one thing not to give thanks for. In early October, the Trump administration released its third of (thus far) three U.S.
thanksgiving dinner