Publication archives

This article was originally published on ARC2020's website and republished here with permission. 
farmers for future
Ben Lilliston
Originally published by Common Dreams on January 15, 2020. 
Dr. Steve Suppan
President Donald Trump announced that on January 15, President Xi Jinping will come to the White House for the signing ceremony of an 86-page Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), characterized by Trump as “Phase One” of a trade deal that includes a temporary and partial truce in the U.S.-Chin
President Xi Jinping and Trump
Tara Ritter
The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill has come and gone, but important details about program rules and how they’re implemented are still being hammered out. The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is the largest working lands conservation program in the United States, supporting thousands of farmers to implement conservation practices on millions of acres.
cover crop
Tara Ritter
Matt Lohr Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC 20250         Re: Conservation Stewardship Program Interim Final Rule, NRCS-2019-0020 (Fed. Reg. Vol. 84, No. 218, Nov. 12, 2019, page 60883ff.)   
Tara Ritter
Murray County, situated in the southwestern corner of Minnesota, is no stranger to wind energy. Wind turbines have become a familiar part of the landscape. The county has used revenue to improve local infrastructure, and many landowners have received an additional stream of income from hosting a turbine.
farm prairie windmill wind harvest
Sharon Anglin Treat
Revised and updated January 2, 2020
water contaminated with pfas
Katie Costello
For over a decade, IATP has been a leader in the Farm to Institution movement. With the goal of supporting the vitality of small- and mid-size farmers, we find innovative approaches to increase the accessibility of locally-grown foods in settings like schools and hospitals.
Roseville Cucumber Crunch