Publication archives

Sharon Anglin Treat
It goes without saying that the United Kingdom has some big decisions to make during 2020. On one level, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has “got Brexit done” and finally made the split with the European Union official.
warning pesticides on food
Tara Ritter
Residents of Murray County, Minnesota value the small-town feel, knowing people wherever they go, peace and quiet, and a strong sense of community. Murray is a primarily agricultural county; as you drive through the prairie, you can see farm fields stretching to the horizon. The landscape has changed over the past 20 years, though.
Murray County Rural Energy Dialogue
Shiney Varghese
IATP joins hundreds of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from around the world to condemn the rumors about a World Econom
grain elevator
Tara Ritter
This week, Representative Chellie Pingree (D-ME) introduced the Agriculture Resilience Act, a bill that addresses the role of agriculture in combating climate change with a suite of science
Summer View of Iowa
Sharon Anglin Treat
The real goal of the United States and European Union’s so-called “mini-deal” on trade is unambiguous and goes to the heart of Europe’s way of life and approach to the rule of law. U.S. trade negotiators, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and American farm interests have all been crystal clear: the precautionary principle must go, and now is the time to finally axe it.
Spraying pesticides on lettuce
Dr. Steve Suppan
Download a PDF of the comment here.    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) NIOSH Docket Office
Tara Ritter
The Farm Bill’s conservation title includes a suite of programs that pay farmers for implementing conservation projects on their land. These programs are beneficial for numerous reasons: they encourage practices that sequester carbon, clean up the water, create wildlife habitat and make farms more resilient to extreme weather.
cover crops on dryland wheat