Publication archives

Excerpted from Sailing Close to the the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong Ministerial. The U.S. history of using food aid as a surplus disposal mechanism and vehicle to promote future export sales has drawn the World Trade Organization into the international debate about food aid.
Excerpted from Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial. According to a World Trade Organization secretariat note in October 2004, the primary objective of cooperation and policy coherence among the WTO, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for the Doha Round negotiations is to expand market access opportunities.
Excerpt from Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial. Conventional wisdom on the World Trade Organization negotiations has it that there will be a trade-off between concessions made by industrialized countries in agriculture
Excerpted from Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial. The WTO Agreement on Agriculture has failed rural communities around the world. Its successor, now under negotiation, is set to perpetuate the failure. The following proposals are a basis for a new agricultural trade system.
Excerpted from Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial. Baffled by the boxes? Terrified by tariffication? Stymied by the special safeguard? Here is all you need to know to become an instant Agreement on Agriculture expert or at least to sound like one.
From higher energy costs to a dearth of transport and storage for fertilizer and grain, Katrina reminds us of the fragility of our commodity networks.
Excerpted from Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial. Non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations are important because they go to the heart of development and the extent to which countries can govern their own development path.
Merve Wilkinson's directions to his home are direct: Leave the Trans-Canada Highway at old Cedar Road, drive uphill before turning right at the Chuckwagon Market, go past Yellow Point Lodge, then hang a left onto Crane Road. "You'll see a green gate," he advises. "It's always open."