Publication archives

Shefali Sharma
“You can't shut down cows. You can't turn them off like a faucet.”
Milk for sale
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
You might be surprised to learn that while we’re all sheltering in place and wondering what comes next, trade negotiations that could set labor, environmental and climate rules for decades to come are moving forward. The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has announced plans to negotiate a free-trade agreement with Kenya. This would be the first free-trade agreement the U.S. has negotiated with an African nation.
Kenyan flag in field
Tara Ritter
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) released its decision last week on whether to permit Daley Farms, one of the largest dairies in the state, to expand from 1,500 to 4,000 cows. Despite concerns about climate change and water quality impacts of industrial feedlots, the agency decided to award Daley Farms a permit to expand.
dairy farm in homer NY
Dr. Steve Suppan
"It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running,” said Smithfield Chief Executive Officer, Kenneth Sullivan when he announced the closing of its Sioux Falls, South Dakota slaughterhouse due to a COVID-19 outbreak among more than 200 Smithfield workers.
Workers at a slaughterhouse
Tara Ritter
Late on Friday, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), a $19 billion payout that includes cash for farmers and ranchers and purchases food for redistribution to food banks.
Networking Small Urban Farmers Markets
Sharon Anglin Treat
The horizontal concentration in nearly all aspects of agricultural production, processing and distribution that began in the 1980s has become entrenched.
ADM at the port of Hamburg
Ben Lilliston
Climate change is increasingly disrupting farmers, the agriculture economy and rural communities. The growth of industrial agricultural operations and practices are increasing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
Farm field flooding
Dr. Steve Suppan
Agricultural technology has enabled overproduction of agricultural commodities, which has left farmers dependent on taxpayer funds in most years to compensate for low commodity prices. Technology adoption statistics do not measure the impacts of technologies on rural communities, particularly in developing countries.
Planting season