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The Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has deployed more units of Trex Vista Global Position System (GPS) to upgrade the capability of the foresters and land management personnel in monitoring log cuttings and squatting in timberlands.
According to plant pathologist and forest ecologist Lee Klinger, two ancient remedies for Sudden Oak Death and other symptoms of forest decline exist and are readily available. One of the remedies is controlled fire, a practice used by Native Americans for thousands of years.
The United Steelworkers of America and members of the Sierra Club in Northeastern Minnesota are forging a relationship aimed at improving safety and health and creating jobs.
Nowhere are the contradictory challenges of sustainable development more evident than in Southeast Asia, where export-driven economies and infrastructure improvements have lifted people out of poverty, but up to 90 percent of the region's primary forests have been lost.
Growing up with smokestacks on the horizon, Ada Lockridge never thought much about the pollution that came out of them. She never worried about the oil slicks in Talfourd Creek, the acrid odors that wafted in on the shifting winds or even the air-raid siren behind her house whose shrill wail meant "go inside and shut the windows." Now Lockridge worries all the time.
'Taking responsibility' with food HOSPITAL: St. Luke's makes an effort to buy more organic products for its kitchens. BY PETER REBHAHN NEWS TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Mark Branovan knows better than to mess with tater-tot hot dish. Some things are perfect just as they are.
If anything could be made to stand for the sturdiness and the beauty of friendship, a tree would be a fine place to start. In her 83 years, Emily Harris has enjoyed many a warm friendship. And to Harris, a farm girl from way back, few of nature's gifts are as beautiful as trees, the gnarled bur oaks of the prairie or the tall pines of the northern forests.
The National Cathedral will celebrate the holidays this year with an unusual Christmas tree: a pine seedling whose parent is said to be the oldest known tree on earth. The seedling is a gift from the Champion Tree Project International. It breeds and clones the world's oldest and largest trees in hopes of compiling a living archive of the genes that give them their longevity.