Publication archives

Beyond a set of granite gates on a hillside in Rumford, Maine, a lost city sits amid silver maples and oaks, just across the river from a sprawling paper mill.
Letter from the U.S. textile industry calling for sectoral negotiations on textiles in the NAMA negotiations. The objective is to provide further protection for the textile industry.
When sisters Marlene and Darlene Telfer decided it was time to harvest some of the timber in their Thames Centre wood lot, they opted for a kinder, eco-friendly approach to removing some of the towering hardwoods.
The shady corridors of Potlatch Corp.'s 17,000-acre poplar plantation near Boardman will soon echo with the sound of buzzing saws. Spokane-based Potlatch is building a sawmill "right in the middle" of the tree plantation along Interstate 84 east of Boardman, one that will employ up to 55 people when it opens in late 2006, company spokesman Michael Sullivan said Tuesday.
A logging company is suing two Canadian firms that once owned a pulp mill in northern Wisconsin for $23 million as part of an effort to reopen the mill that abruptly closed last week. Johnson Timber Co. of Hayward said it was notified Feb. 16 by SMART Papers LLC it was closing its Park Falls pulp mill immediately and the company would buy no more wood chips from Johnson.
Charles Frederick says the more than 300 acres of steep, rolling hollows he owns near this speck on the map in southwestern Illinois isn't of much intrinsic value beyond the wild turkey and deer he has hunted on it.
Through the stand of red pines, you come to the ledge that opens onto the nearly 180-degree vista of the Sable Highlands, stretching wide across the horizon and up into pale clouds.
Oregon's wood products industry is rethinking an old practice. Instead of just using mill-ends as fuel for steam-powered equipment, the industry is looking at spurring a new source of electricity that could be used statewide.