Publication archives

The Big River tract in California's Mendocino County is a sprawling expanse of towering redwoods and Douglas firs, woods that for years have provided an ideal habitat for rare spotted owls and endangered coho salmon and steelhead trout. Now, it's all up for sale.
An estimated 460,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were cut during the summer months in 2005 as a result of the introduction of the "Cool Biz" campaign, one of Japan's efforts to tackle global warming, according to the Japanese Ministry of the Environment.
Unless you're a keen observer of the forest products business, you might have been surprised this month to see that the bidders for Longview Fibre Co. and its 587,000 acres of timberland were two obscure Portland investment companies. Who are these guys with their $1.72 billion offer?
Miles of illegal trails have been cut through a Minnesota state forest by a publicly funded motorcycling club without permits to build the routes.
If you live in Minnesota and value its lakes, rivers, forests and fields, you should know a lot about, and support, the U, particularly its College of Natural Resources. You should. But probably don't.
Report by the Chair of the NAMA negotiating Group, Ambassador Stephenson of Canada on his consultations regaring the NAMA negotiations.
Submission by the NAMA-11 groups of developing countries to the WTO negotiating group on NAMA. The objctive of the submission is to achieve fair, balanced and development friendly modalities in NAMA.
U.S. farm policy geared towards driving down prices for corn and soybeans is a significant contributor to the nations obesity epidemic. Below is the press release with a brief explanation of the issue, the fact sheet and the report.