Publication archives

Superior National Forest officials on Wednesday released their logging plan for a broad area near the Echo Trail west of Ely. The proposed plan includes logging on about 12,800 of 126,000 acres of national forest land. That land is spread across about 203,000 acres when state, county and private lands are included.
Norm Schreifels is building a 5,500-square-foot dream home with unimpeded views of the Sandia Mountains, an outdoor dining room that faces the city lights and a handful of plazas and portals that take advantage of New Mexico's weather.
The annual timber harvest plan for state-administered forest land, prepared by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), is available for public review. The annual timber harvest plan for fiscal year 2007 begins July 1, 2006, and ends June 30, 2007. Comments will be accepted during a 45-day public comment period that runs from April 3 through May 17, 2006.
The United States and Indonesia have launched talks aimed at reducing illegal logging that threatens the Southeast Asian country's vast rain forest, the US Trade Representative's office said on Tuesday.
Environmental authorities shut down an illegal logging operation in the Amazon on Monday, confiscating dozens of felled tropical hardwood trees in an area that only recently was pristine rain forest.
Several Maine communities have been chosen to participate in a Maine Audubon project designed to protect the state's wildlife by promoting sustainable forestry. The objective of the project is to create forest management plans that protect wildlife while providing for timber, recreation, natural areas, clean water or other benefits.
A robust local coalition has saved the Ag Station from the University's chopping block and brought it back to the Counties. The Ashland and Bayfield County Boards must now either choose to revitalize the Ag Station in support of our community or sell it and abandon our farmers, loggers, and local economy.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday his government will "deliver the money" to hard-pressed farmers, but didn't say when or how much. As thousands of angry farmers rallied on Parliament Hill to protest rock-bottom agricultural prices that are driving many from the land, Harper blamed the crisis on the Liberals.