Publication archives

More than 2,000 farmers across the country, including over 100 farmers in Minnesota, have signed onto a letter organized by the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, of which IATP is a member. The letter calls for federal action on climate change, which is impacting farmers in the form of extreme temperatures, precipitation, drought and storms.
NSAC video
Dr. Steve Suppan
Imagine that you are a large institutional investor with billions of dollars to invest. Would you keep your money in the stock market, whose record high prices are fueled by an unprecedented amount of cheap money provided to Wall Street by the Federal Reserve System? Would you buy bonds, whose skyrocketing prices are likewise driven by Fed largesse?
Rancher with cattle in Hawaii
Dr. Steve Suppan
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (“IATP”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the above captioned NPRM. IATP last wrote to the Commission concerning electronic trading on May 1, 2017, regarding Regulation Automated Trading (“Reg AT”).   Overview   
Watch the recording of the webinar above or on YouTube and upload the presentation slides. 
Farm to Summer
It’s been nearly fifty years since Frances Moore Lappé reminded us in her seminal work, “Diet for a Small Planet,” that hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food, it is caused by a scarcity of power. Economist Amartya Sen won a Nobel Prize more than twenty years ago for showing that famine was rarely caused by a lack of food.
Green Revolution in Africa
In response to AGRA’s brief official response to the study, “False Promises: The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA),” IATP rejects the attack on senior advisor Timothy A.
farm in Africa
Dr. Steve Suppan
On July 14, the Financial Times published an interview with Heath Tarbert, the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in which he all but announced the results of votes to take place the following week and beyond.
Better Markets
Sharon Anglin Treat
Just days before the Maine Legislature’s Judiciary Committee was scheduled to hold a virtual hearing on LD 2160 — legislation to clarify when civil lawsuits may be filed for compensation
contaminated water sign