Publication archives

Comments submitted to EPA to urge the agency to deny the request from the Michigan Department of Agriculture for a specific exemption to use the pesticide gentamicin to control streptomycin-resistance fire blight. (Docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0234).
Deep in the pages of the new Federal Accountability Action Plan is an important initiative that has received only a fraction of the media coverage that it deserves.
As global change accelerates, quantifying the role of forests in the carbon cycle becomes ever more urgent. Modelers seek simple predictors of forest biomass and carbon flux. Over the last decade, the theory of metabolic ecology generated testable explanations, derived from physical and biochemical principles, for a wide range of ecological patterns.
For months on end, he chips, whittles and chisels a long, piece of old growth cedar to produce what's arguably become B.C.'s most recognized cultural symbols: The totem pole. But without cedar, world-renowned artists such as Jim Hart are left without a canvas.
An oak-tree-killing microbe that has frightened arborists and naturalists tracking its inexorable spread across the United States was probably introduced to the New World in commercial plants, according to a new study by UC Berkeley researchers.
The Nels P. Evjue Memorial Forest, better known as the Merrill School Forest, is a place where education meets nature not only for students but for an entire community.
Voters in November would be asked to dedicate a portion of the state's sales tax to preserving the outdoors and the arts under a bill that passed the House on Tuesday, its most significant progress in six years of debate. The vote presages deliberations with the Senate about whether the sales tax should be increased or existing money should be used.