Publication archives

On May 3, Black Hills National Forest Supervisor Craig Bobzien approved the following activities for the Dean project area: commercial thinning, overstory removal, mature stand enhancement, precommercial thinning, patch cuts, shelterwood seed cut, mechanical fuel treatment, prescribed fire, hardwood restoration, oak removal and pine removal from riparian areas.
A task force that came up with principles for forest restoration projects in New Mexico says the agreement will reduce conflicts and legal challenges over timber projects. Land management agencies and conservation organizations announced the six-page agreement today after nearly a year of working together. Forest thinning has been a contentious issue in New Mexico.
A fence to keep out animals that could damage the rainforest at Haleakala National Park on Maui has been completed after seven years of work. The fence, which surrounds 12,000 acres of forest and rare plant life, is an attempt to keep destructive feral goats, pigs and axis deer out of the fragile forest.
Nestled between the ferns here on Whitetop Mountain (5,520 feet) is an Appalachian delicacy known as the "stinky mountain onion" or ramp. It's a veggie with a storied past and nose-gripping appeal for foodies.
Tenth-graders at Roseau High School got a first-hand look at the timber business and forest management Wednesday as part of a daylong session in the school's forest north of Salol, Minn.
Three quarters of the Western Mediterranean's cork oak forests could be lost within 10 years, threatening an economic and environmental crisis, according to a new WWF report.