Publication archives

Summary of simulation exercise conducted by the WTO Secretariat on non-agricultural tariffs for the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations.
Agriculture Under Secretary Mark Rey today announced the availability of $2.3 million for the Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP) in selected forest ecosystems.
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today awarded more than $790,000 in federal cost-share grants to 12 organizations for use with urban and community forestry projects nationwide.
Maritime services refers to the transport of passengers and goods on oceans as well as related services such as the operation of ports, handling of cargo and documentation of transport. In the negotiations under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) at the World Trade Organization (WTO), several countries are pushing to open maritime services to foreign ownership and operation.
Randy Stribling wouldn't dream of making furniture out of endangered teak or Brazilian rosewood - but he doesn't mind if it looks like it.
A U.S. Forest Service biologist is suing his bosses over whether their practice of sprucing up old logging roads without an environmental review is legal.
Rapid deforestation in parts of the Himalayas could lead to the extinction of hundreds of plants and dozens of bird and animal species, a biodiversity and conservation expert warned Friday.
Antibiotics used in animals that are important to human medicine could face increased scrutiny if legislation working its way through Congress gets passed.