Publication archives

Unknown to many people, trees in northwest Ohio's booming Oak Openings region appear to be 75 percent more efficient than most trees at removing the chief greenhouse gas that causes global warming.
Comments by the NAMA 11 Group of Developing Countries on the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations.
Citrus greening, a tree-killing disease first found in Florida last year, has spread into the state's commercial groves and could be a bigger threat than the canker that growers have battled for a decade, industry officials said Thursday.
A group of children laid on their stomachs on a floating bridge that spans the pond at Boston School Forest, dangling worms inches above the water, fish lined up eyeing their potential dinners. SPLASH! -- a shout of surprise and laughter erupted as worms were snatched right out of the children's hands.
The Community Forestry in North Eastern Namibia (CFNEN) project will hold a ceremony at Ncumcara Community Forest, about 34 kilometres south of Rundu, on 6 June to commemorate the official declaration of community forests in Kavango region.
Police arrested 28 people suspected of operating an illegal logging ring in Brazil's Amazon rain forest and were looking for 46 more, officials said. Some 300 officers in five states were involved in Friday's operation to shut down a gang accused of using phony permits to harvest rare tropical hardwoods.
Three top Rift Valley forest officers have been suspended in connection with illegal logging in three districts exposed by our investigative team two weeks ago. The three include a senior provincial forest officer and two senior forest officers in Uasin Gishu and Kericho.
POCO FUNDO, Brazil -- Rosevaldo Jose Pereira has never been to Wal-Mart. The name doesn't mean anything to the lifelong coffee farmer in this remote village in southeastern Brazil. But Wal-Mart Stores Inc. knows who he is. And the world's largest retailer is changing his life.