Publication archives

Would using ethanol save energy?
Several analyses on GATS and water have been published; the focus here is on other environmental services, in particular solid and hazardous waste management. WTO members negotiating environmental services deregulation should be cautious, not least because few countries have regulatory mechanisms in place to protect the public interest.
Forest products giant Weyerhaeuser Co. is pledging to set an example to the rest of the industry by cutting its greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent by 2020, a move it said should be good for both its bottom line and the environment.
Draft report presented in the final debates of the Doha Round on market access.
The dispute between dominant species over shared habitat in the West is escalating. On one side are humans expanding their space. On the other are animal inhabitants: coyotes, foxes, and especially the more threatening ones roaming the territory - cougars, wolves, and bears.
Liberia hopes to turn its forests, once dubbed "blood timber" and felled to buy weapons, into a new asset through a combination of protection and controlled harvesting, a government official said on Tuesday.
The western suburbs, their forests already clogged by buckthorn plants, face invasion by an equally nasty invasive plant species. The plant, going by the flavorful name "garlic mustard," could cause an "ecological disaster," according to one local expert.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources next month will hold a public hearing on a plan to tighten restrictions on the movement of firewood into state forests and parks. The DNR currently bans wood from out of state coming into state lands. The proposal would ban wood from anywhere farther than 50 miles, even from within the state.