Publication archives

Like people, trees like to head for nicer weather when temperatures get extreme. Trees migrate slowly, of course. But University of Illinois researchers report that the movement of white spruces in Alaska and Canada is even more sluggish than previously believed -- a finding that could add to climate change woes.
Spurred by concern over antibiotic resistance among people, legislation introduced in Congress would phase out nontherapeutic use of medically important antibiotics in livestock and poultry over two years. Farm-to-fork antibiotics; debate stirs controversy among experts.
David Mercker with University of Tennessee Forestry shares some interesting information with us on forest certification: The concept of forest certification has grown as a tool to foster sustainable forest management. It began on the global scale in the 1980s and moved rapidly to the United States.
Dozens of young trees were stolen from a Juneau wetlands restoration site. The theft of nearly 75 red-twig dogwood trees was discovered Tuesday at the site of the Nancy Street stream restoration and wildlife enhancement project. The loss is a setback for the multi-agency project.
A 17-mile, 138,000-volt power line will not be strung across a Jefferson County wildlife area once prized by famed conservationist Aldo Leopold, state regulators decided Thursday.
The white tents on the plaza outside the Daley Center, where Christmas ornaments are sold in December, contained different goodies Tuesday. The Forest Preserve District of Cook County declared its own holiday.
A summer breeze ripples the new grasses where last year's devastating School fire blackened 52,000 acres of southeastern Washington. The emerald ocean fans out across the rolling Palouse Country south of Pomeroy, through fire-scorched pines and firs in the foothills of the Blue Mountains fringing the rugged Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness.
In a state where pine and fir outnumber residents, the loss of several privately owned spruces should hardly excite attention, let alone spark a crusade emblematic of a new trend to protect trees on private land.