Publication archives

The Lao embassy and forestry police yesterday confiscated 1,664 high-grade logs believed to belong to a transnational illegal logging network preparing to export them to China. The logs, which were kept in 11 containers at a Lat Krabang warehouse, were identified as the rarePayoong timber, which is one of the most expensive hardwood.
If you've ever admired the regal whitebark pines on the rim of Crater Lake or other high-elevation pines, you may want to spend this evening with Diana Tomback. The scientist, a professor of biology at the University of Colorado at Denver, is one of the nation's leading experts on whitebark pine and the white pine blister rust which threatens them.
A federal judge Tuesday threw out a U.S. Forest Service plan that calls for commercial logging in the Giant Sequoia National Monument, calling the document "incomprehensible." The ruling from the U.S. District Court in Northern California was a victory for environmentalists in a long battle over logging groves of some of the world's most majestic trees.
Forests around the Wood River Valley have been invaded by two more species of tree-eating insects.
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo took part Friday in a massive tree-planting campaign aimed at improving air quality in the Philippines while breaking a world record.
Reuters | August 28, 2006 LOS ANGELES - Rice farmers in Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and California have sued Bayer CropScience, alleging its genetically modified rice has contaminated the crop, attorneys for the farmers said on Monday.
DOMODEDOVO, Moscow Region -- Thousands of tiny chicks scampered around under the green lights of their glassed-in pen. Thanks to technological advances, a worker can single-handedly care for up to 85,000 chicks, said Igor Lukashov, the chief veterinarian of Domodedovo, Mosselprom's newest poultry farm.
A $250,000 demonstration project that produces hydrogen energy to provide backup lighting and warmth at the Chewonki Foundation's environmental education center was hailed at its unveiling Monday as the first of its kind in the nation.