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Many trees and bushes already are turning color and dropping leaves in parts of northern Minnesota, but officials are thinking about drought and fire danger rather than a beautiful fall palette.
Canada and the United States formally signed the softwood lumber agreement Tuesday, one of the final steps before it goes into effect. U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab and Canadian International Trade Minister David Emerson signed the agreement in a ceremony in Ottawa. It still must pass through Canada's Parliament next week before becoming law.
Sophia Murphy
The growing market power of international food companies is adversely affecting the lives of farmers and consumers worldwide, according to a new paper by a Senior Advisor with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
Trees are dying left and right this summer. Sprawling canopies of huge oaks turn brown almost overnight. Cypress trees redden and lose leaves months early. The trees are hard to miss, and arborists, tree services and the Volusia County Cooperative Extension Service say they're fielding "tons of calls."
There are periods in every young person's life that irrevocably cast the template for the future. For some, it's the military; for others, it's law school, a year spent globe-trotting, maybe just the first job.
Stop. Drop. Call an arborist. This is the advice for homeowners who suspect having oak wilt on their property. An ISA-certified arborist will be able to provide advice on how to prevent the spread of the fungus, which kills by plugging up a tree's vascular system, preventing the healthy flow of water. The expert also will determine if the tree is infected with another disease.
The fight to save California's emblematic oaks from disease is gaining momentum as scientists decipher the genetic code of the microbe responsible for sudden oak death. Sudden oak death has killed more than 1 million oak trees in 14 counties along the California and Oregon coast since it was first reported a decade ago.