Publication archives

This is getting serious. Climate change could cause forests in Europe to spew out more and more nitrous oxide, aka laughing gas, a potent contributor to global warming.
New hostilities over the Great Bear Rainforest have emerged, seven months after the British Columbia government brokered a deal meant to end a battle between environmentalists and the logging industry.
California's ancient redwood forests have survived fires, logging and disease. Now they face a growing threat from poachers who steal downed old-growth redwood trees in ever-larger numbers, scarring the land and robbing the forest of a vital part of its ecology for the sake of a few thousand dollars.
A lucrative industry long steeped in corruption and used to fuel a brutal civil war, timber may now hold the key to rebuilding the devastated West African nation of Liberia.
Oxygen taken from tree rings could help settle the question of whether hurricanes are getting stronger and more frequent, US researchers said on Monday.
The debate about Aid for Trade is important because it fi rmly places questions about aid�how much, to whom, and for what
Like their father before them, brothers Dale and Wayne (Gib) Erickson harvest timber. The trees they cut down eventually become wood chips or crates, and their Baudette, Minn., company has provided jobs for 20 workers. But the sagging housing market is starting to echo in the North Woods, and the Ericksons' business is down 20 percent this year as a result.
Malaysia pledged to preserve its tropical rain forests Wednesday despite efforts to expand palm oil cultivation for lucrative bio-fuel projects.