Publication archives

The U.S. Department of Energy says it is continuing a project designed to determine the feasibility of storing carbon dioxide in brine formations. The latest stage in the research occurred recently when scientists pumped more than 700 tons of the greenhouse gas a mile underground as part of the department's carbon sequestration program.
Climate change is happening now, scientists are telling us. Presented here are five instances where studies have documented the changes being wrought in Wisconsin by the warming planet. These are scientific, often peer-reviewed studies, of the birds that trill in our backyards, the lake ice upon which we plop our ice-fishing buckets, the aspen trees that grace our parks.
A Welsh company has won the backing of Greenpeace for its plans to import plywood from Latin America. Green Tree Plywood, which will be imported and distributed by leading Newport timber importers Premier Forest Products, will be launched in the UK this month. It has been welcomed both by the environmental pressure group and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
Ambitious plans to expand Scotland's forestry industry and encourage the use of wood fuel and sustainable timbers in construction have been unveiled. The strategy, launched by Forestry Minister Rhona Brankin, looks beyond economic outcomes and outlines environmental and social opportunities. It also highlights the benefits of woodland in absorbing carbon emissions.
The U.S. Forest Service has not developed national guidelines to assess the risks communities face from wildfires and is unable to ensure that the most important fire prevention projects are funded first, an independent government audit has found.
The simmering debate over pine plantations, genetically engineered trees and whether they are good or bad for the environment resumed here Monday.
A federal study released Wednesday concludes the massive Biscuit Fire Recovery Project is operating in the red. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden requested the report from the Government Accountability Office. The GAO says at the end of last year, the U.S. Forest Service had spent $2 million more than it had collected off salvage timber sales from the Biscuit fire.
Logging and mining helped to create this small town in southeastern Snohomish County. A century later, logging is upsetting people in Index. W.B. Foresters in Stanwood wants to log 95 acres on a mountain ridge just south of the town off U.S. 2 in the Skykomish Valley.