Publication archives

Soaring worldwide demands for energy are driving climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions dangerously higher, increasing investments in new "clean" energy sources but neglecting existing technologies to reduce energy consumption. Energy remains crucial to economic development in a world where more than 1.6 billion people have no access to electricity
The forests that cover most of the eastern United States are not the same forests our ancestors lived in 200 years ago.
The Forest Service plans to test new rules for livestock grazing on North Dakota's national grasslands, a project that will take at least 10 years. The project is part of the final management plan for the grasslands, which include more than 1 million acres in the Little Missouri National Grasslands in the west and Sheyenne National Grasslands in the southeastern part of the state.
In this hilltop hamlet, shade trees have always been part of the appeal. For decades, giant elms, oaks, maples and butternuts towered over roads and homes, providing shade, fall foliage and a picturesque complement in a place that draws leaf peepers, photographers and the occasional filmmaker looking for a New England backdrop.
Last year's "cedar revolution" brought a new crisis for relations between Lebanon and Syria -- and a new headache for a small tree nursery on the border between the fractious Middle East neighbors.
Mexico this week barred Monsanto Co. and other biotechnology companies from planting genetically engineered corn, rekindling fierce debate in that country over the technology.
Pity the honeybee, hummingbird, and bat. And possibly us. A report issued Wednesday by the National Academy of Sciences said that the three species are "demonstrably" declining in the United States and Canada, and that their losses are affecting not just their populations - but potentially parts of various ecosystems, including some parts of our food supply.
WA's Department of Environment and Conservation is leading the development of a new plan on how to best manage the tuart forest over the next decade. The forest's tuart trees are the tallest of their kind in the world and have important scenic and conservation values.