Publication archives

About 350 million years ago, at the boundary of the Devonian and Carboniferous ages, the climate changed. There was no one around to record it, but there are records nonetheless in the rocks deposited by glaciers and in tissues preserved in fossils of ancient life.
Crews will soon begin thinning one of the last large stands of timber untouched by wildfire along the eastern front of the Sierra. The North Washoe Project will treat a swath of overgrown forest in the mountains west of Washoe Lake to protect the forest from major fires while restoring health to an ailing ecosystem.
As a low fog rolled into the middle of the forest, Ricky Adkins pulled out his machete. The forest ranger traipsed through limbs and leaves on his way to the foot of a swamp in search of one special tree - a tree native to coastal North Carolina but located only on hills near swampy ground.
A Kenyan environmentalist and Nobel Peace Prize winner called on people around the world to plant 1 billion trees in the next year, saying Wednesday the effort is a way ordinary citizens can fight global warming.
A federal appeals court on Monday blocked two old-growth timber sales in southwestern Oregon after finding that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management illegally downgraded protections for the red tree vole to make the sales possible.
Tim O'Brien worked for Ainsworth Lumber in Bemidji for more than 15 years. He made pretty good money there. Now he's out of a job.
It's not that there isn't enough wood out there.
Argentina wants the World Bank to halt loans for a pulp mill in neighboring Uruguay until an international court has ruled in a case Argentina brought against the project, the country's top environmental official said Monday.