Publication archives

Understanding how water behaves in a semi-arid environment could lead to better water retention management for very dry conditions, a U.S. scientist says.
A row is simmering between a government agency and environmentalists over plans to start logging in Mt Kenya forest. Residents neighbouring the forest and a group of environment activists want the Government to stop the process, saying it will greatly affect the area's ecosystem.
DEXTER, Mo. - Jerry Bagby is typical of the oil men who are prospecting for a fortune in the Midwestern biofuels boom. He's convinced there's oil in these hills - and he's found a well that no one else is using.
The idea of "fair trade" first became popular in the 1990s as a method of assuaging the conscience of the affluent urban liberal. It was a time when left-leaning Baby Boomers had to start reckoning with hard truths: Not only was classical capitalism stronger than ever, but they themselves had to admit that they were unlikely to drop out of consumer society in middle age.
Aborigines won a 10-year fight for control of World Heritage-listed rainforests in the centre of Australia's wealthy east coast on Tuesday, sealing one of the country's biggest native land deals.
The Forest Service is pushing ahead with new rules that will exclude environmental studies from forest management plans and diminish public comment, despite an active lawsuit and opposition from key Democrats who will control the next Congress.
Two of the nation's largest timber companies, Weyerhaeuser and Plum Creek Timber, have polished their public images for years by participating in a program that certifies that their logging is environmentally friendly.
Alexandra Spieldoch
A study on the impact of trade liberalization on women throughout the world focusing on the food system, agricultural markets and human rights.