Publication archives

This first column of each new year traditionally features two outdoorsmen who have made a positive difference in the world of natural resources.
Michael Taylor is a big-game hunter. But the prey he's spent more than half his life pursuing doesn't have legs or even a heartbeat. Instead, armed with a laser range finder, a head for numbers and an explorer's zeal, Taylor has made a sport of finding and sizing up the tallest species on the planet -- California's ancient coast redwoods.
With yellow cedars dying at alarming rates, some scientists are trying to find ways to harness the power of the strongest Alaska trees. The cedars, which have been used for centuries by Alaska Natives for totem poles and canoes, are now thought to contain oils that could be used to repel mosquitoes and other pests.
Merrill & Ring Forestry LP formally launched a US$25-million claim Wednesday against the Canadian government under the North American Free Trade Agreement.
The land appeared to be dying and washing away. Clear-cut logging and subsistence farming had felled 85 percent of the region's trees. Every rainstorm caused streams to swell and choke with mud and debris that ran off the denuded slopes.
The two-story house on Blackrock Road looks pretty much like its neighbors. It's nestled in a grove of oak and basswood. It has big windows on the south, lots of insulation, and efficient in-floor heating. It'll soon be on the market.
Mercury levels near some coal-burning power plants are five times higher than previous government estimates, calling into question how the Environmental Protection Agency identifies biological hotspots and prompting a Maine senator to propose a national monitoring system.
Letter from Congresswoman Slaughter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over possible approval of fourth-generation cephalosporins for use in animal agriculture, despite the recent conclusion by FDA's Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee (VMAC) that use of one particular fourth-generation cephalosporin, cefquinome, is not safe for people.