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You can heat your house with Adirondack wood. Someday, you'll be able to fuel your car with it, too. A Lewis County energy company is expected to begin making small batches of ethanol from wood products next year.
While driving down Indiana's highways and rural roads, take note of the beauty of the forested areas or wildlife habitat that is contained within the over 4.3 million acres of land categorized as timberland in the state.
Thousands of acres of environmentally important wetland in South America have been saved from destruction by a British charity. The land, in the Pantanal area of northern Paraguay, has been bought by the World Land Trust, working in partnership with Guyra, a Paraguayan bird life charity.
One of Finland's top paper makers warned on Friday unusually warm weather was threatening production because loggers were waiting for muddy forest tracks to freeze before their trucks could reach stockpiles.
Over the past decade, in numerous field sites throughout the world, mesh bags of leaf and root litter sat exposed to the elements, day and night, throughout the four seasons, gradually rotting away.
2007 is a Sabbath Year. Every seventh year, according to biblical tradition, the people of God are invited to observe a "Year of Remission" (Shmita, in Hebrew). It is a year in which land and crops and domesticated animals rest, when creditors refrain from collecting debts, and when the Law of the Lord is read in the hearing of all (markingthe completion of the Torah liturgical cycle).
2 tablespoons olive oil 1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped 1 cup wild rice 3 cups chicken broth 1/2 cup long-grain white rice 1/2 cup dried cherries 1 tablespoon sorghum Salt and pepper
2 pounds fresh cranberries 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup Grand Marnier liqueur 1 orange, zested and juiced