Publication archives

Internal evaluations carried out by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), recently obtained by the U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) campaign through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, show no new evidence that AGRA is making progress improving yields, incomes and food security for African farmers.
Maize seeds
Ben Lilliston
“We must listen to science — and act,” reads President Joe Biden’s January 27 Executive Order on climate change. For the farming sector, the latest greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicates that the U.S. needs to transition away from factory farm systems of meat and dairy production to reduce rising agriculture emissions.
Dairy cow factory farm
Originally published on Inter Press Service (IPS News) on February 24, 2021. 
Tractor caravan to Mexico City farmer protest demands "Mexico Free of Transgenics"
Originally published on Food Tank on February 11, 2021. 
Farm field in Africa
Ben Lilliston
The following op-ed originally appeared on The Hill on January 22, 2021. 
Will the teeth of trade rules swallow the Paris climate deal?
Ben Lilliston
Global pork giant Smithfield Foods makes a lot of claims about the environmental sustainability of its products and hog production system.
Smithfield Foods Pork Crates
Ben Lilliston
When Tom Vilsack began his first term as agriculture secretary in 2009, IATP lifted up a series of challenges and opportunities for the department, urging him to follow in the path of another Iowan at USDA, Henry Wallace. We wrote: “the central challenges once again are markets run amok and the unsustainable farming practices they promote.” We pointed out “the real winners in the system are a tiny handful of agribusiness companies, who profit from the boom bust cycle and whose anti-competitive control of the market hurts farmers and consumers alike.” 
Vilsack and farmers
Sharon Anglin Treat
To read the full statement delivered by Senior Attorney Sharon Treat during the January 28, 2021 Press Conference on Maine PFAS Legislation, please click here.