Publication archives

Recently, scientists from the United States, Canada, and northern Europe warned about the impact of livestock operations on human health.
Toxic mercury is still used unnecessarily in many products, while non-mercury alternatives are readily available and cost-effective.
A University of Vermont researcher is using the dairy product whey and a fungus to take aim at a pest that has ravaged East Coast hemlocks. Scott Costa said the method will allow an insect-killing fungus to grow in the field rather than in a laboratory, cutting down on the prohibitive costs.
Between them, they have produced instruments used by some of the world's most famous musicians - Eric Clapton, Pete Townshend and Paul Simon are just a handful of performers who have picked up their guitars and strummed.
Life is a lot sweeter for Mangat Nuan these days. "This used to be my land," he said, waving an arm at the rows of oil palms. "But I rented it to a plantation company a little while ago. It was a good price - all the landowners round here did the same."
Dennis Keeney
Mark Muller
By Dennis Keeney, Mark Muller and Heather Schoonover. The first link below is for the report, the second is the summary in the format of a powerpoint.
Armed with high-tech cameras, mapping software and a helicopter flown by a nemesis of Barbra Streisand, neighbors opposing a plan by San Jose Water Co. to log 1,000 acres in the Los Gatos Creek watershed claim they have found the plan's Achilles' heel.
Ray and Beverly Kent say that some of their most prized possessions were taken without their permission and that they can't get anyone to do anything about it. The Kents aren't missing any money or jewels. Instead, they say, 20 valuable trees were removed from their property in Colden.