Publication archives

During the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, Arbor Day organizers planted millions of trees to stop devastating soil erosion on the Great Plains. Now, the Nebraska-based National Arbor Day Foundation has turned its attention to global warming and is teaming up with a company whose lifeblood is putting cars and trucks on the road.
Three Wisconsin and Michigan forestry organizations have merged to form the Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association. The association, based in Rhinelander, is the amalgamation of Wisconsin Professional Loggers Association, Timber Producers Association of Wisconsin and Michigan, and Forest Industry Safety & Training Alliance.
The FSC-US Board of Directors announced the resignation of Roger C. Dower, who has been President of the organization since November 2002. Following his resignation, Mr. Dower was appointed to the Board of Directors of FSC-US effective March 1, 2006. On March 1, 2007, Mr. Dower will assume the position of President of the Johnson Foundation, located in Racine, Wisconsin.
Health - Doctors say overuse of the drugs in animal feed can lead to dangerous "superbugs" A years-long battle to end the widespread practice of adding antibiotics to animal feed is headed back to Congress.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Keep Antibiotics Working Coalition today praised the introduction of a bill backed by numerous medical groups that would combat the antibiotic resistance crisis by phasing out the non-therapeutic use in animal agriculture of antibiotics that are important in human medicine.
This Minneapolis resource guide is for community leaders interested in addressing public health issues associated with poor diets and food insecurity in low-income neighborhoods. Its purpose is to provide ideas, links and contacts to help these leaders get started in addressing food access issues.
Flame retardants are widely used in a variety of products to prevent and slow the spread of fire. While fire retardancy is important, some flame retardants, known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs, used in electronics and other products are leaving a lasting toxic legacy in the environment and in human beings. The good news is safer alternatives
Viable non-mercury alternatives for mercury containing products are not only available, but also considerably more cost effective when the downstream costs are considered.