Publication archives

Washington, D.C. - The government agreed Wednesday to invest as much as $80 million in an Emmetsburg biorefinery that will turn corn cobs, not just corn, into fuel ethanol. But the project's developers said still more federal cash will be needed to get farmers to sell their cobs.
Chemicals formerly manufactured by the 3M Co. and found in groundwater in the metro area are potentially more dangerous than previously believed, according to state health officials on Thursday.
UPM has boosted its supplier assessment practices in Russia by increasing the number of assessments and developing the methodology. In 2006, the company carried out 150 supplier assessments and 252 logging site checks. This covered suppliers responsible for 85% of the wood procured in Russia.
OfficeMax today introduced its paper procurement policy, enhancing the company's current environmental policy by setting direct product expectations and business relationship expectations for paper product suppliers. The OfficeMax paper procurement policy defines performance criteria for its product suppliers in the
The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced the State's response to help the State of Maryland eradicate the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), a destructive invasive forest health pest that causes a high rate of mortality in infested native ash trees.
A coalition of farm groups, hunters, environmentalists and some business interests favoring expanded use of ethanol and other so-called renewable fuels is lobbying for $64.5 billion of new federal incentives to achieve their goal over the next five years.
Here on the edge of the silent and frozen northern tier of the Earth, the fate of the world's climate is buried beneath the snow and locked in the still limbs of aspen trees.
Mexico will enforce a "zero tolerance" policy against logging that threatens to wipe out the monarch butterfly and will act to stop a rare and ancient oasis from drying up, President Felipe Calderon said on Saturday.