Publication archives

In deciding whether to approve new pharmaceuticals, the federal Food and Drug Administration must often weigh risks versus benefits, depending on test results that contain varying levels of uncertainty.
Malaysian environmental and residents' groups are joining forces to buy swathes of forest in a desperate bid to save them from developers, a report said Tuesday. Four groups, including WWF Malaysia and a residents' group from Petaling Jaya, a satellite town near Kuala Lumpur, will set up a national conservation trust fund to collect money to buy land.
Columbia Commercial Flooring today announced plans to roll out formaldehyde-free, FSC-certified engineered hardwood flooring to the commercial segment in 2007.
Cattle Antibiotic Moves Forward Despite Fears of Human Risk The government is on track to approve a new antibiotic to treat a pneumonia-like disease in cattle, despite warnings from health groups and a majority of the agency's own expert advisers that the decision will be dangerous for people.
When it comes to ecological diversity, California has it all: snow-capped mountains, wide deserts, scenic beaches, and some of the worst environmental problems in the country.
Acid rain is still a threat to more than one-third of Maine's forestland, according to a new study presented Tuesday in Portland. While not the urgent and unregulated threat it was in the 1980s, enough acidic pollutants are settling across the landscape today to gradually weaken forests in sensitive areas, the study found.
The Government has detailed how its preferred option for dealing with the climate change consequences of deforestation might work. But the document, Design Options for a Tradeable Deforestation Permits Regime doesn't give forest owners an indication of what costs they would likely face.
PRELIMINARY discussions began in Brussels yesterday to determine how the Common Agricultural Policy should evolve between next year and 2013. The last reforms in 2003, labelled a mid-term review by Franz Fischler, the agricultural commissioner at the time, proved to be the most radical in almost 40 years.