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CONGRESS SHOULD PUT COMMON SENSE AHEAD OF PROFITS Only the FDA's convoluted regulations would put the needs of cattle over that of people. Or more to the point, the profits of the cattle industry over the health of Americans.
Joint Statement by Trade Unions from the NAMA11 countries. NAMA11 is a group of developing countries in the WTO who defend industrial development and employment under the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations.
The U.S. House this week is considering various legislative proposals allocating money to refurbish sewage plants, control invasive species and restore the Great Lakes: * The full House late Wednesday voted 367-58 to pass a bill allocating $1.5 billion for direct grants to cities to upgrade aging sewer systems.
In a partial win for environmentalists, Washington's state-owned forestlands could for the first time earn an environmental stamp of approval for logging practices.
Owners of some timberlands surrounding the Portland area have done their best to go green: They've nearly eliminated clear-cutting and herbicide use, and stopped cutting old-growth trees altogether.
On the road to making biofuels more economically competitive with fossil fuels, there are significant potholes to negotiate. For cellulosic ethanol production, one major detour has being addressed with the characterization of the genetic blueprint of the fungus Pichia stipitis, by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI) and collaborators at the U.S.
Green building as a cause has united disparate parties, from environmental groups to big business to policymakers, but one key industry has struggled to react to the change in public sentiment.
Shiney Varghese
Over the past two generations, irrigation-intensive agriculture has been widely promoted as the solution to food security challenges faced by the developing world. While irrigation-intensive agriculture has helped in some contexts, it looks less feasible as a solution when examined from the perspective of the growing water crisis.