Publication archives

On Wednesday, March 24 at 10:30 a.m., the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Blue Planet Project, Food & Water Watch and Transnational Institute hosted a webinar about water futures and financialization. 
Shiney Varghese
Valuing Water is the theme of the 29th World Water Day this year. Valuing Water and Enabling Change also happened to be the theme of the Annual Report of the World Economic Forum’s 2030 Water Resources Group (now hosted by the World Bank) last year.
image of water
Ben Lilliston
Minnesota is off-track to meet its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals set in the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act. An important process for reviewing new projects could help put Minnesota back on track, and the state wants your input by the end of this month.
CAFO photo
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Publicado en The American Prospect, 15 de marzo de 2021.   
Field worker inspecting a maize field affected by lodging
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The following op-ed was published originally on The American Prospect. Republished with permission below. 
Field worker inspecting a maize field affected by lodging
Shiney Varghese
Mid-March, IATP joined 345 other civil society organizations, social movements, trade unions, academic allies and independent experts from 75 countries to launch a campaign to bring an end to the World Bank’s Doing Business Report (DBR). 
Civil society says no to DBR
Dr. Steve Suppan
Whether you are an industrial, agricultural, commercial or household user of water, here is a line that is very unlikely to appear on your next bill: “financial innovation management fee.” Nevertheless, like the claims to trade stocks from your phone without fees, the cost of “financial innovation” could be hidden in water bills. How could financial innovations — new financial products promising benefits for those who understand what they are and how to use them — affect those water bills?   
water bill
Shiney Varghese
Last week, IATP joined Food and Water Action and nearly 550 other national and regional organizations including Action Center on Race and The Economy, Center for Biological Diversity and Corporate Accountability in support of the Water Affordability, Transparency, Equity and Reliability (WATER) Act.
Young child drinking water