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Each year at Cascadia conferences, satellite photos show a giant population pincer movement: Seattle-Puget Sound-area growth marches north, while British Columbia's densely settled lower mainland strains south against the border. In between, Bellingham and Whatcom County have endured the questionable blessing of being touted on magazines' lists of "most livable" places.
The warning to sausage-eaters, about not watching it be made, should also direct the gaze of other meat-eaters away from factory-style cattle, pig or poultry farms. Exposure to the cruel and cramped conditions in which the animals are kept as well as the poor quality of their feed might well upset lunch.
Seattle-based Nordstrom, Inc. , announced today that it will be incorporating more environmentally sound practices into its catalog program. Nordstrom will be the first among its peers in fashion specialty retail to print on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified stock with 30 percent post-consumer waste (PCW).
Bank of America Corp., the nation's largest retail bank, will spend $18 billion on commercial lending and investment banking for "green" projects over the next decade, company officials announced Tuesday. The Charlotte-based bank said it will spend another $2 billion for consumer programs and on efforts to reduce its own impact on the environment.
Too much reliance on cattle antibiotics could compromise human medicines What's more important - the health of your child or the health of the cow your child might eat? And how surprising is it to learn that favoring one might harm the other?
EVER SINCE Ernst Chain and Howard Florey isolated penicillin in 1939, inaugurating the era of antibiotics, harmful microbes have steadily developed resistance to even the most robust bacteria killers. The more often a particular antibiotic is administered, the more likely that bacteria will adapt.
A loophole - created by lobbying from the pharmaceutical industry - could lead to the release of a drug to treat cattle that experts believe will result in the creation of supermicrobes.