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A large group of fishes belonging to the same family as salmon and whitefish. Though most trout are freshwater fish, some live in marine waters. When the first European settlers arrived in North America, trout were very abundant. By the late 1860s, however, a number of factors including overfishing and pollution caused the trout population to diminish drastically.


The legends of eels have colored folklore throughout the ages. Some Philippine tribes say that eels are the souls of the dead, while in parts of Europe it's believed that rubbing the skin with eel oil will cause a person to see fairies. Whatever their origin or exterior application, eels are widely popular in Europe and Japan, where many consider their rich, sweet, firm meat a delicacy.
Found in temperate marine waters throughout the world, tuna is a member of the mackerel family. It's probably the most popular fish used for canning today. There are numerous varieties of tuna, the best known being albacore, bluefin, yellowfin and bonito. All tunas have a distinctively rich-flavored flesh that is moderate to high in fat, firmly textured, flaky and tender.
A global computerised system that tracks wood from stump to store is aiding the battle against illegal logging and helping consumers choose sustainable products, says Scott Poynton of the Tropical Forest Trust.
Paul Hitch has spent his entire life raising cattle and hogs on a stretch of the Oklahoma panhandle he says is "flat as a billiard table." His great-grandfather started the ranch in 1884, before Oklahoma was a state, and now Hitch, 63, is preparing to pass the family business on to his two sons.
Most countries in Europe and North America have reversed centuries of deforestation and are showing an increase in forest area, while most developing countries, especially in tropical areas, continue to experience high rates of deforestation, a U.N. agency said Tuesday.
The sound of chain saws humming mixed with the crunch of snow as 25 AmeriCorps volunteers cut down trees in the City of Frederick Municipal Forest. Working in a snow-covered landscape last week, volunteers noted which trees to cut down and set to work. The Maryland Forest Service tagged the trees to save.
It could be your new hardwood floor or coffee table, with a rich mahogany hue. While the wood may look good, there is a strong chance it came from timber harvested illegally in places such as Honduras, Indonesia or Peru, labor and environmental groups say.