Publication archives

A Palo Alto-based food company has found a new tool in battling the phenomenon of increasingly antibiotic-resistant bacteria: the hamburger.
Bob Ackley says minor natural gas leaks that are no threat to people can still cause harm: They kill public shade trees by choking off the oxygen at its roots. Ackley, who has spent 25 years testing natural gas lines for leaks, says it's happening to thousands of trees around the state, and gas companies are slow to fix it.
Even with e-mail, we are still a predominantly paper society. America uses 100 million tons of paper each year, consuming one fourth of all the trees cut down in this country. But there is an awakening within the paper industry, which means you have another opportunity to make a difference by Going Green.
Amalia Anderson on U.S. immigration and government raids on meatpacking plants, Don Arnosti on biomass and the ethanol industry, and Kathleen Schuler on the Minnesota legislature and toxics.
A compilation by the WTO Secretariat of all members proposals for how to deal with non-tariff barriers (NTBs) in the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations.
This paper was produced for the WIngspread Conference on Childhood Obesity, Healthy Eating and Agricultural Policy held in March 2007i. It provides background on the Farm Bill, as well as a summary of key issues and interest group priorities that will influence Farm Bill debates.


The legends of eels have colored folklore throughout the ages. Some Philippine tribes say that eels are the souls of the dead, while in parts of Europe it's believed that rubbing the skin with eel oil will cause a person to see fairies. Whatever their origin or exterior application, eels are widely popular in Europe and Japan, where many consider their rich, sweet, firm meat a delicacy.
Found in temperate marine waters throughout the world, tuna is a member of the mackerel family. It's probably the most popular fish used for canning today. There are numerous varieties of tuna, the best known being albacore, bluefin, yellowfin and bonito. All tunas have a distinctively rich-flavored flesh that is moderate to high in fat, firmly textured, flaky and tender.