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The Black Walnut or American Walnut (Juglans nigra L.) is a native of eastern North America, where it grows, mostly alongside rivers, from southern Ontario, Canada west to southeast South Dakota, south to Georgia, northern Florida and southwest to central Texas.
Chain saws. Herbicides. A forestry mower. They may sound like the ingredients of Al Gore's worst nightmare, but these are tools used by a Wisconsin business to rehabilitate woodlands, prairies and savannas.
Dr. Steve Suppan
This analysis looks at the USDA's proposal for revenue-based countercyclical payments, whether it fits under WTO rules, and if it is good for farmers.
The effect of deforestation on climate depends on three things -- location, location and location. Environmentalists concerned about global warming have long encouraged preservation of forests because they absorb carbon dioxide, the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. But the issue, like most things, may be more complicated than it first appears.
CHEROKEE, Iowa -- Steve Fugate of Tiffin believes that people can create their own energy independence. He has proven it by developing his own Bio-diesel Production System. Fugate also played a major part in starting the Yoderville Bio-diesel Cooperative. The cooperative is dedicated to producing a quality biodiesel using waste vegetable oil.
FDA drug approval would make humans more vulnerable.