Publication archives

Youths are one of the most important assets of the future, and it is the role of policy-makers and executives to educate them and raise their awareness of the values and benefits of the forests as well as the importance of managing the forest resources in a sustainable manner.
Jim Jontz, an indefatigable advocate for economic and social justice and the environment, passed away on Saturday, April 14 after a struggle against cancer. Jim was a mentor and inspiration to many. His passing is an enormous personal loss to all of those whose lives this gentle, brilliant man touched.
Chevron Corp. and Weyerhaeuser Co. have announced a letter of intent to jointly examine the feasibility of creating biofuels made from wood fiber and other sources of cellulose.
The United States has agreed to work with Australia on the federal government's global forests plan to address climate change. The Federal Government last week announced the launch of an international fund to prevent deforestation in the developing world and committed $200 million to targeting Australia's northern neighbours.
WASHINGTON - Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said late Friday that he wants to keep the United States' economic relationship with China on an "even keel" amid rising trade tensions between the two nations.
Shiney Varghese
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights sought input from stakeholders in conducting the detailed study on the scope and content of the relevant human rights obligations related to equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation under international human rights instruments. The purpose of the submission is three-fold:
Americans have long recongized the contributions of family-owned farms and ranches to our way of life. Those contributions have been supported by federal programs, that assist farmers and help them conserve our nation's soil, water and wildlife. Congress soon will be debating the next farm bill.