Publication archives

While a trade war between the US and China may not be in the offing, at least not yet, there is no doubt that Washington has decided to blast away at Beijing with both barrels.
Standing on the wind-swept flatlands of southern Vermilion County, you might think you'd have to drive the 180 miles to Chicago's Field Museum to find the nearest fossilized tree trunk from the Pennsylvania Age, 300 million years ago. Nah, just drill straight down.
British shoppers are unwittingly playing a part in the destruction of one of the world's last great wildlife habitats by buying flooring made of endangered wood from "paradise forests".
Former Russian leader Boris Yeltsin dies Boris Yeltsin, who died Monday at the age of 76, oversaw the collapse of communist rule in Russia and its chaotic transformation into a market economy. Here are key dates in his political career: December 1985 Promoted by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Mr Yeltsin is named first secretary of the Moscow Communist Party.
ANTIBIOTICS, one of the great medical advances of the 20th century, are being threatened by their careless use in the 21st century. Time and again, disease-causing bacteria in humans become resistant to antibiotics because they are prescribed for the wrong conditions or because patients fail to complete the full course of the prescription.
Tucked among the pine and juniper, often along rivers or streams in the Deschutes and Ochoco national forests, stands of white-barked aspens provide a unique habitat for elk, deer, turkeys, migratory songbirds and more.
Climate change will exact a major cost on North America's timber industry and could drive as much as 40 percent of its plant and animal species to extinction in a matter of decades, according to a new report from an international panel.
Australia's $20 billion forestry industry needs a renewed emphasis on education and skills training to ensure its future, according to a report. The study recommends a wood science and technology undergraduate degree that would complement undergraduate courses in forest science.