Publication archives

KAW letter opposing federal preemption clause in draft 2007 Farm Bill
DPA FINANCE SKorea Trade US US and South Korea to negotiate changes in free trade agreement Seoul South Korea and the United States aim to negotiate possible changes to the free trade agreement (FTA) they reached in April, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said Tuesday.
The writing of a new U.S. Farm Bill can be messy and complicated. It can also be dangerous.
Peter Clark, President of Ottawa-based Grey, Clark, Shih and Associates, told Canadian Parliamentarians that Doha Round Agricultural Trade Modalities will have clear costs to Canada, and relatively few net benefits to Canada's grain, oilseeds and livestock exporters.
The power of organic food is that it forces consumers to think about how their food is grown. Organic food presents consumers with a choice about whether they care about the use of pesticides, genetically engineered crops, or antibiotics in food production. And consumers are welcoming that choice.
Traditionally, the U.S. Farm Bill has been written largely behind closed doors by powerful members of Congressional agriculture committees and agribusiness interests. But that's changing.
Last year's unusual winter will mean a little less New York state maple syrup on the pancakes. Syrup production dropped 11 percent from the previous year, with winter's warm start, combined with too few days this spring of the proper freeze-thaw cycle as the likely cause, said Bill Blackson, a statistician for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Global warming is altering the identity of national parks in the West, especially the Pacific Northwest, where the iconic string of glacier-capped mountains inexorably shrinks from the horizon, park officials warn.