Publication archives

One hundred percent of distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS), a byproduct of ethanol production, can be pelletized without adding a binding agent or anything else, according to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and cooperators.
New proposal by Chile et al. after the Potsdam failure
TYSON CHICKEN LINE FREE OF DRUGS; ANTIBIOTICS PURGE MEETS WITH PRAISE By David Irvin Tyson Foods Inc., the world's largest meat producer, won the acclaim of scientists and advocates Tuesday after announcing it stopped feeding antibiotics to millions of chickens.
A third large crack has formed on Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes, park officials said Wednesday. A forest area that is home to rare plants and species could be in danger.
For years British Columbians have been warned about the growing threat of forest fires, especially in the "interface," where communities encroach on the woods. The auditor-general delivered a cautionary -- and, as it turned out, prophetic -- report in 2001 on the fire risk in the "wildland-urban interface"
Oregon State University scientists have figured out how to make trees grow smaller than they're naturally inclined to do. The genetic engineering study on poplar trees was published in the journal "Landscape Plant News." OSU professor Steven Strauss says being able to grow smaller trees could open a new niche for nurseries.
A landmark plan to preserve 140,000 acres of Northern California owned by Pacific Gas and Electric Co. will be unveiled tonight in Sacramento. The public can weigh in on the future of land stretching across 22 counties primarily in the Sierra Nevada and the Cascade Mountains at the first of a series of hearings throughout Northern California.
Ron Bowen walked through his new store's sale yard in Scandia, stopping often to point out different prairie plants - and struggling to rank them against each other. "I can't pick a favorite," said Bowen, who has been credited with helping bring back native Minnesota prairies since the 1970s. "Prairie phlox is a great addition to any planting.