Publication archives

Statement by the NAMA-11 group of developing countries during the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiations 7-11 May, 2007.
In contrast to frequent criticism of the government's industrial development policy, a United Nations agency apparently believes that it has a lot to offer other developing countries.
U.S. administration officials on Saturday urged Congress to support a free trade agreement (FTA) just signed with South Korea, stressing that it is a good deal and no longer amendable. South Korea's trade minister, Kim Hyun-chong, and U.S. Trade Representative, Susan Schwab, sealed the deal in a ceremony at the Cannon congressional office building.
Participation of local community and amendment to laws of colonial times are essential for efficient management and conservation of forests, said conversation and legal experts and social activists of South Asian region in the capital yesterday.
In a novel experiment, forest department personnel have let loose large groups of captive bred crocodiles into water bodies of Bhitarkanika wildlife sanctuary to ward off human interference into the fast-depleting mangrove forest.
Is the boreal forest the new Amazon rainforest? That's what the Great Lakes Forestry Centre and Northern Ontario School of Medicine are trying to find out. Long a source of the anti-cancer compound known as paclitaxel, the boreal forest is now being mined for other biological chemicals that could help mankind.
The nonprofit group Redwood Forest Foundation has announced its purchase of 50,000 acres of Northern California redwood forest using a long-term loan of $65 million from Bank of America, the first such deal of its kind in this country.
Print and Media Certification is targeting small UK printing businesses for its industry-specific Forestry Stewardship Council scheme and has signed up its first participant.