Publication archives

The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is considering ending a moratorium that prohibits new oil and natural gas leases on state-owned forest land. It has been in place since 2003.
A MULTIBILLION-DOLLAR plan to protect forests and reduce global warming is to be backed by an alliance of nations that are home to more than 80 per cent of the world's tropical rainforests.
One constant in the 20 years that officials have been dealing with the mountain pine beetle is how unerringly pessimistic and alarming they've been in their predictions. There aren't many people who can be accused of optimism since the insects burst out of Tweedsmuir Provincial Park in the northwest and started killing every pine tree in sight.
(Ed. note: IATP's President, Jim Harkness, is blogging from China as he meets with experts on China's food and farm system)
ESPERANCE, N.Y. - If a grandmother suddenly started growing, something would be amiss. Now research has found that something similar is happening to the nation's oldest trees.
(Ed. note: IATP's President, Jim Harkness, is blogging from China as he meets with experts on China's food and farm system) Monday, Sept 24
(Ed. note. IATP's President, Jim Harkness, is blogging from China as he meets with experts on China's food and farm system) Saturday Sept. 22
One of a series of fact sheets examining the 2007 Farm Bill that was published by IATP. To read the entire series see "Understanding the Farm Bill" in our 2007 Farm Bill collection.