Publication archives

I head home today, after a productive trip. I spent the past couple of days at a conference on China's relationship with Africa. Some interesting related papers can be found at the web site of the Center for Chinese Studies of Stellenbosch University, South Africa. There was a
There's something fishy about Japan's tariff rules. Six years into global commerce talks, Tokyo is still trying to convince countries that the seaweed eaten with sushi and other Japanese dishes should be considered alongside cars, jets and television sets in discussions about tariff cuts.
Shiney Varghese
This paper is part of an ongoing attempt to assess the privatization of water services as a governmental response to the decline in water services infrastructure, particularly in the U.S.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) has promised Democrats reluctant to vote for a free trade agreement with Peru that they will first have the opportunity to approve an expanded trade adjustment assistance program for US workers who lose their jobs because of trade (WTD, 9/26/07).
(Ed. note: IATP's President, Jim Harkness, is blogging from China as he meets with experts on China's food and farm system)
The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is considering ending a moratorium that prohibits new oil and natural gas leases on state-owned forest land. It has been in place since 2003.
A MULTIBILLION-DOLLAR plan to protect forests and reduce global warming is to be backed by an alliance of nations that are home to more than 80 per cent of the world's tropical rainforests.