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El mundo est� al borde de una crisis sin precedentes ocasionada por la falta de agua. Esta situaci�n se presenta ante el crecimiento de la poblaci�n, de los requerimientos alimenticios, as� como por la creciente industrializaci�n y urbanizaci�n.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Pre-election polls said Costa Ricans would reject CAFTA-DR. But election results differed and the stakes couldn't be higher for the future of the Costa Rican democracy and economy. What happened?
The state of Minnesota and several conservation groups have joined forces to protect more than 51,000 acres of northern Minnesota forest land from development.
The state's forest industry is getting a boost from an American dollar that has shrunk drastically in value compared to its Canadian counterpart, economists and industry leaders say.
A plan to link South America's economies through a series of infrastructure projects, could destroy much of the Amazon rainforest, warns a study by conservationists.
At the heart of central Africa's great rainforests lies Kisangani, a small city in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) some 1,300 miles from the mouth of the Congo River. The town began as a Belgian trading post, Stanleyville, and was Conrad's model for Kurtz's inner station in Heart of Darkness.
In a new report released October 4, 2007 Montreal-based management consultants EEM Inc. shows Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to be the most effective certification system for achieving sustainable forest management in Canada. The report was released by environmental publishing advocates Markets Initiative.
Since 2002, six of 11 Western states have set records for the amount of acreage burned in a single season. California has done it twice. That's despite the fact that California fields one of the largest fire departments in the world. Every year, the state spends $3.1 billion to fight wildfires. Welcome to what Jerry Williams calls the West's "new reality."